When you become a client we’ll work through a number of tasks to get you up and running. After providing you with access to My High Level Wealth (our secure online client portal), we’ll start the process of creating your first financial plan, assessing your risk profile, determining a suitable investment portfolio for your circumstances, and developing an action plan to achieve your financial goals.
To start working on your financial plan, we’ll need documents and information from you. Below is a list of items we will want to discuss during your first planning meeting. The list may look a bit daunting but it is designed to accommodate a wide range of financial circumstances and only a subset of the items will apply to you. The more information you can provide, the more comprehensive your financial plan will be, but don’t stress over tracking down every single item on this list. We can always add in more information to your plan when you have it. Financial planning is an ongoing process, and we will work to refine your plan over time as more information becomes available or your circumstances change.
If you have any of the below items in a digital format, the best way to share them with your advisor is by creating a new document in My High Level Wealth and uploading the files. For paper records, please have the physical documents with you for your first planning meeting.
Sources of Income
Employment income
Pension and retirement income
Other income
Savings & Investments
Bank accounts and savings products
Investment accounts
Contribution and withdrawal history for registered savings plans
Details of property you own
Details of debt you owe
Details of personally-owned insurance policies
Details of group insurance policies
Providing information about your typical household expenses will allow for a more comprehensive financial plan. If you aren’t sure how much you typically spend, we can still create a plan based on the factors you do know.
Other Documents
Financial planning documents
Legal documents
(We don’t typically need to see these documents but it is helpful to know whether or not they exist)
If you are a shareholder of a private corporation, we will need additional information.
If you are the settlor, trustee, or beneficiary of a trust, we will need additional information.